September 2015: Mt Buller

With the twins in the National Club Championships for gymnastics needing to be picked up in Bendigo what better excuse to pack the camper and head south.  

The trip started with a slow meander south taking the more off the path route via Kootamundra and Narrandera.  Its great getting off the motorway and following some of the smaller roads.  Unfortunately many of these are by-passed by travellers so all that remains are the closed businesses. This is a part of our country that will one day be gone with little reminder of the thriving community that once existed.

The first night we camped at Berembed Weir.  This is a nice spot by  the Murrumbidgee River.  Heading  from Junee to Narrandera you pass through some lovely little towns such as Ganmain and Matong and take a right.  This takes you to Old Narrandera Rd and not far from the intersection is a dirt track that goes for approx 12 km. You cross the weir and their is plenty of shaded spots (although the ground is a bit bumpy). While you are a long way from anything there is a clean flushing toilet at the picnic area a few hundred metres away which my daughter was thankful for.

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The great thing about travelling through this part of the country at this time of the year is the Canola Fields.  This sea of yellow with a blue sky is amazing.

From here we made our way to Deniliquin for lunch. While I didnt take any photos I will definitely return here one year for the Deni Ute Muster which I only missed by a couple of weeks.

Arriving at Bendigo it was really only a day to pick up the kids from the Gymnastics comp and head east for a few days camping. Again it looks like I will have to save Bendigo for another trip.

From Bendigo another lovely drive through the cutest of country towns with some classic buildings.  Rushworth was a definite favourite and a great spot for lunch at the local baker. Unlike me I didn't try to photograph this place, instead just soaked up the character enjoying the moment.  I did however stop for an old run down bush hut somewhere outside Euroa.  While time has got the better of this building it is a classic reminder of the past.

We made it to Mansfield for an over night stop.  Again a lovely town with an amazing backdrop. 

The next day we headed to Sheep Yard Flat. While in the peak season I hear it is a place to avoid we had most of it to ourselves at this time of the year.

We spent the day exploring some of the trails and creeks with a few short walks in between.  Unfortunately many of the tracks further up to the huts were still closed (they dont open until later in October).  As before it seems I am going to have to make another trip back here. 

Back at camp we had a good look at Fry's Hut (built in the 1930's).  Still amazes me that someone lived and prospected here at the time. While I was keen to take some night time star trails over the hut the full moon got the better of me so again - seems i need to make another trip back.

The next day we decided to get up early and head up to Mount Buller to play in the snow. As it was the very end of the ski season there was no intention to ski.......  Well thats what I thought until we got up there.

It turned out the weekend we were here was a cold snap in Eastern Australia.  This brought freezing conditions for one last blow of the snow making machines but also a flurry of natural snow as well. 

Despite the screams of pain from the bank balance we thought 'what the heck' so sold the left kidney and hired the gear for the day.  Both the kids and us had a great time.

not bad for the last weekend of the ski season.

with so many things we missed it looks like another trip is in order but not a bad way to spend a week.